Buffalo » Calendar » Ken Filiano in Concert at PAUSA Art House

Ken Filiano in Concert at PAUSA Art House


PAUSA Art House
19 Wadsworth Street
Buffalo, NY


Thu, October 9, 2014
8:00 pm

At Door




Creative-virtuoso bassist Ken Filiano presents some of his ensemble music for improvisers, with Tim Clarke (trumpet/cornet/flugelhorn), Steve Baczkowski (baritone saxophone), Michael McNeill (piano), and John Bacon (drums).

$7 general/$5 students

Ken Filiano, bass player, composer, improviser, has been performing throughout the world for thirty years, collaborating with leading artists in multiple genres, fusing the rich traditions of the double bass with his own seemingly limitless inventiveness. Ken leads two quartets, Quantum Entanglements, and Baudalino's Dilemma (Vinny Golia, Warren Smith, Michael TA Thompson), and is a co-leader of The Steve Adams/Ken Filiano Duo and TranceFormation (Connie Crothers, Andrea Wolper.) His extensive discography includes a solo bass CD, “subvenire” (NineWinds), and “Dreams From a Clown Car" (Clean Feed), which presents his compositions for his quartet, Quantum Entanglements (Michael Attias, Tony Malaby, Michael TA Thompson). For these and numerous other recordings and performances, critics have called Ken a "creative virtuoso," a "master of technique" . . . "a paradigm of that type of artist. . . who can play anything in any context and make it work, simply because he puts the music first and leaves peripheral considerations behind."...

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