Copenhagen » Calendar » Gershwin Revisited at Charlie Scott's

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Gershwin Revisited at Charlie Scott's


Charlie Scott's
Skindergade 43
3312 1220


Sat, February 22, 2025

At Door



Gershwin Revisited The Best of 1930s Music! Gershwin Revisited is a rendition of Gershwin's works for a modern jazz trio. Works from the realm between jazz and classical, seldom interpreted, are presented in a new manner, with plenty of vitality and improvisation. Experience the humorous and warm sound of Gershwin's works in a new light

Det bedste af 30’ernes musik! Gershwin Revisited er en opsætning af Gershwin værker for en moderne jazztrio. Værker fra landet mellem jazz og klassisk, der sjældent fortolkes, bliver præsenteret på en ny måde, med masser af liv og improvisation...

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