Cork » Directory » Venues

Cork Jazz Venues

Total venues: 23
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Name Address Upcoming Events
Aula Maxima, Ucc College Road, Cork
Cork City Hall City Hall, Cork, Cork
Cork Opera House Emmet Place, Cork 1 Event(s)
Curtis Auditorium, Cork School Of Music Union Quay, Ballintemple, Cork,, Cork
Cyprus Avenue Caroline St, Centre, Cork
Dolan's Warehouse 3/4 Dock Rd, Limerick
Gulpd Cafe (triskel Arts Centre) Tobin Street, Cork
Lewis Glucksman Gallery University College Cork , Cork
Musgrave Park Musgrave Park, Cork
Ó Riada Hall, UCC Music Building Sundays Well, Cork
Sea Church Main Street, Ballycotton
Siamsa Tíre Town Park, Tralee, Co. Kerry, V92 XW44, Tralee
St Mary's Church Church Lane, New Ross
Stack Theatre, Cit Cork School Of Music Union Quay, Cork
Stet Lab Upstairs @ The Roundy, Cork
The Crane Lane Theatre Phoenix St, Cork
The Everyman 15 Maccurtain St, Cork
Triskel Arts Centre Tobin Street, off South Main Street, Cork
Triskel Arts Centre Tobin Street, Cork
Triskel Christchurch South Main Street, Cork 1 Event(s)
University Of Limerick, Irish World Academy Of Music And Dance EIR Code: V94 DK18, Limerick
Various Limerick City, Limerick
Virgin Media Park Musgrave Park, Cork
Name Address
University Of Limerick, Irish World Academy Of Music And Dance EIR Code: V94 DK18, Limerick
Virgin Media Park Musgrave Park, Cork
Cyprus Avenue Caroline St, Centre, Cork
Musgrave Park Musgrave Park, Cork
Sea Church Main Street, Ballycotton
Cork Opera House Emmet Place, Cork
St Mary's Church Church Lane, New Ross
The Crane Lane Theatre Phoenix St, Cork
Triskel Arts Centre Tobin Street, Cork
The Everyman 15 Maccurtain St, Cork
Siamsa Tíre Town Park, Tralee, Co. Kerry, V92 XW44, Tralee
Triskel Christchurch South Main Street, Cork
Dolan's Warehouse 3/4 Dock Rd, Limerick
Triskel Arts Centre Tobin Street, off South Main Street, Cork
Name Address
University Of Limerick, Irish World Academy Of Music And Dance EIR Code: V94 DK18, Limerick
Virgin Media Park Musgrave Park, Cork
Cyprus Avenue Caroline St, Centre, Cork
Musgrave Park Musgrave Park, Cork
Sea Church Main Street, Ballycotton
St Mary's Church Church Lane, New Ross
Cork Opera House Emmet Place, Cork
The Crane Lane Theatre Phoenix St, Cork
The Everyman 15 Maccurtain St, Cork
Triskel Arts Centre Tobin Street, Cork
Siamsa Tíre Town Park, Tralee, Co. Kerry, V92 XW44, Tralee
Triskel Christchurch South Main Street, Cork
Dolan's Warehouse 3/4 Dock Rd, Limerick
Triskel Arts Centre Tobin Street, off South Main Street, Cork
Name Address
Name Address
Cork Opera House (1) Emmet Place, Cork, Ireland
Triskel Christchurch (1) South Main Street, Cork, Ireland
Dolan's Warehouse (0) 3/4 Dock Rd, Limerick, Ireland
Triskel Arts Centre (0) Tobin Street, Cork, Ireland
Sea Church (0) Main Street, Ballycotton, Ireland
University Of Limerick, Irish World Academy Of Music And Dance (0) EIR Code: V94 DK18, Limerick, Ireland
Triskel Arts Centre (0) Tobin Street, off South Main Street, Cork, Ireland
The Everyman (0) 15 Maccurtain St, Cork, Ireland
Musgrave Park (0) Musgrave Park, Cork, Ireland
Virgin Media Park (0) Musgrave Park, Cork, Ireland
Siamsa Tíre (0) Town Park, Tralee, Co. Kerry, V92 XW44, Tralee, Ireland
The Crane Lane Theatre (0) Phoenix St, Cork, Ireland
Cyprus Avenue (0) Caroline St, Centre, Cork, Ireland


Triskel Christchurch
Cork, Ireland
Dolan's Warehouse
Limerick, Ireland
Stet Lab
Cork, Ireland
Triskel Arts Centre
Cork, Ireland
Limerick, Ireland

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