Grand Rapids » Directory » Venue » GRNoir Wine and Jazz

GRNoir Wine and JazzGRNoir Wine and Jazz

35 S Division Avenue
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
(616) 719-1191
[email protected]


Grand Rapids 60 Lansing 60

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GRNoir is a wine and jazz bar that exists to celebrate the Global and American cultures of wine and jazz. It's a place for joy, a space to laugh and love, to share stories and meet friends old and new.

It’s live music, a rich offering of global wines, surprising small plates and a welcoming place to learn more about wine, jazz and the people and places that gave birth to them.

We invite you to discover, smile, savor and admire the world and cultures of wine and jazz with us. All are welcome!

Located in the heart of downtown Grand Rapids at 35 Division Ave. S., we’re open Wednesday–Saturday: 3-10 pm.



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