Greensboro » Calendar » An Evening With Arkansauce at Flat Iron

An Evening With Arkansauce at Flat Iron


Flat Iron
221 Summit Avenue
Greensboro, NC


Tue, February 4, 2025
8:00 pm

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Arkansauce calls forth melodies of the Ozark Mountains'rolling hills and raging rivers with theirdistinct blend of newgrass. This progressive string quartet features Tom Andersen on bass, guitarist ZacArchuleta, Ethan Bush on mandolin, and Adams Collins on banjo. Their music features improvisationalstring leads matched with complex melodies, intriguing rhythms, and deep thumping bass grooves. Eachmember sings lead and harmony parts as well as contributes to the lyrics, which offer authentic,intelligent songwriting with hard-hitting hooks.Music Mecca’s Spencer Nachman calls them a“fiery, finger-picking string band… What is apparent at anyArkansauce show is their positivity and desire to upli the audience’s spirit, no matter the circumstance.”They are a band inspired not only from their home state of Arkansas, but also throughout their travels.“We are a band that spends most of our time in the back of a van hurtling toward long nights, good times,and a destiny unknown,”says Ethan.“Our inspiration is gathered by events unfolding in our ownadventures in real time...

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