Helsinki » Calendar » jaZZanti-konsertti. AINON – ”Within” levynjulkistuskonsertti at Ha...

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jaZZanti-konsertti. AINON – ”Within” levynjulkistuskonsertti at Hakasalmen Huvila


Hakasalmen Huvila
Mannerheimintie 13 B


Mon, August 12, 2024

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AINON is a Finnish quartet that masterfully blends the worlds of jazz, contemporary, and classical music into a unique sonic experience. Led by the accomplished cellist-composer Aino Juutilainen, AINON challenges conventional music boundaries with its innovative lineup and approach. The quartet features Aino Juutilainen on cello, Merimaija Aalto on violin and viola, Milo Linnovaara alternating between saxophone, clarinet, and flute, and Joonas Leppänen anchoring the ensemble with his dynamic drumming.
AINON’s music is a captivating dialogue between composed pieces and spontaneous improvisation, tailored specifically for the unique talents of its members. This interplay results in a rich tapestry of sound that is as sophisticated as it is accessible. The quartet’s distinctive instrumentation and the artists’ fluency across musical styles enable them to create an atmosphere where classical music’s depth meets the playful and explorative spirit of jazz....

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