Helsinki » Calendar » jaZZanti-konsertti. Antila-Sauros Wonderful Quartet at Hakasalmen ...

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jaZZanti-konsertti. Antila-Sauros Wonderful Quartet at Hakasalmen Huvila


Hakasalmen Huvila
Mannerheimintie 13 B


Mon, April 15, 2024

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Antila-Sauros Wonderful Quartet is a new band from Helsinki. The quartet, led by Mikko Antila and Adele Sauros, originated in the spontaneous ensemble playing of the duo, which quickly began to produce compositions to be played by a band.
The band proclaims the joy of music and performs their modal and swinging compositions. The band’s musicians have become known for example from the following bands: Linda Fredriksson Juniper, Superposition, OK:Ko, Peela, Katu Kaiku and Adele Sauros Quartet.
Adele Sauros: flute, soprano and tenor saxophoneMikko Antila: piano and vibraphoneMikael Saastamoinen: double bassOkko Saastamoinen: drums...

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