Helsinki » Calendar » jaZZanti-konsertti: Ingebrigt HÃ¥ker Flaten & Mikko Innanen at Haka...

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jaZZanti-konsertti: Ingebrigt HÃ¥ker Flaten & Mikko Innanen at Hakasalmen Huvila


Hakasalmen Huvila
Mannerheimintie 13 B


Mon, December 4, 2023

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Ingebrigt Håker Flaten: double bassMikko Innanen: wind instruments
Award-winning saxophonist, composer and bandleader, 1978 Born in Lapinjärvi, Mikko Innanen is one of the most important Finnish jazz musicians of his generation. Innanen is a versatile and open-minded artist who moves smoothly from freely improvised music to fully composed music, from intimate solos and duets to large orchestras. Having created a long international career, Innanen has performed in 38 countries, on five continents, and his wide-ranging playing and musical production has been recorded on almost 80 published recordings....

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