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jaZZanti-konsertti: Iro Haarla Ouranos Ensemble feat. Aija Puurtinen at Hakasalmen Huvila


Hakasalmen Huvila
Mannerheimintie 13 B


Mon, November 11, 2024

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Ouranos – under the Firmament – album release concert
Iro Haarla: pianoJone Takamäki: wind instruments: tenor saxophone, various flutes (Hocchiku Japanese wooden flute & Balinese flute), duclar, toppophoneUlf Krokfors: double bassAniida Vesala: drums, percussionAija Puurtinen: vocals
The musicians’ improvisation and creation of atmosphere play a major role in everything.
The word ‘Ouranos’ is Greek and means the firmament. Each piece in this project describes phenomena happening above the Earth’s surface that we may not see, but still sense as elements affecting our lives. The sound is ethereal and ballad-like, perfectly suited to the atmosphere and acoustics of Hakasalmi Villa....

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