Helsinki » Calendar » jaZZanti-konsertti: Mirja Mäkelä & Berger-Knutsson-Spering at Ha...

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jaZZanti-konsertti: Mirja Mäkelä & Berger-Knutsson-Spering at Hakasalmen Huvila


Hakasalmen Huvila
Mannerheimintie 13 B


Mon, February 5, 2024

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Mirja Mäkelä: vocalsJonas Knutsson: SaxophonesChristian Spering: double bassBengt Berger: drums
Mirja Mäkelä & Berger-Knutsson-Spering will be together again, when in February 2024 the band will tour Finland and also give a concert in Sweden!
Mirja Mäkelä & BKS is a combination of experienced, skilled and expressive jazz musicians. The program contains compositions by all members of the band. There is plenty of room for improvisation and spontaneous solutions in the interpretations. The texts are in Finnish, Swedish and English, and they are written by both well-known poets and Mäkelä. The upcoming tour will feature new, specially composed repertoire, and the best pieces from previous collaborations will also be included....

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