North Carolina » Directory » Festival / Series » North Carolina Jazz Festival

North Carolina Jazz FestivalNorth Carolina Jazz Festival

233 Racine Dr. #95
Wilmington, NC 28403
[email protected]

Wilmington gives a warm welcome to all of the jazz lovers attending our 43rd North Carolina Jazz Festival! This historic city located on the bank of the Cape Fear River has many interesting shops, art galleries, museums and restaurants, as well as a movie studio, nearby beaches, plus Revolutionary and Civil War sites to explore during your days here. We will fill your evenings with exciting performances by some of the greatest traditional jazz musicians from around the globe! All evening concerts begin at 7:30 pm and held at the Hotel Ballast ballroom

Directions: When driving south from VA, take I-95south to I-40, where you go east toward Wilmington. Continue on I-40 until you enter Wilmington, take a right on Martin Luther King Highway and continue about 5 miles to Market St. Turn right on Market, go two blocks to Water St., turn right and the Hilton will be on your left, just past Riverfront Park.

When driving north from SC take I-95 north to Rte.74, go east on 74 until you reach Wilmington and the Memorial Bridge. Go over the bridge and take a left on Third St.continue on Third St. to Market St. take a left on Market, go 2 blocks and take a right onto Water St. Hilton will be on your left, past the Riverfront Park.

From Raleigh take I-40 to Wilmington and from Charlotte take Rte. 74.

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