New York City » Calendar » Birdland Big Band at Birdland

Birdland Big Band at Birdland

Courtesy of Ticketmaster | Posted on May 26, 2023


315 West 44th Street
New York, NY


Fri, August 18, 2023
5:30 pm

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Every Friday, and for two headlining weeks a year, the BBB roars into action playing a thrilling and original mix of jazz, funk, Brazilian, Latin and world music for sold-out audiences. Featured weekly guest artists drop-in from television bands (David Letterman, Saturday Night Live) and pop music touring bands (Rob Thomas, Rod Stewart). Come see for yourself why Time Out New York called the BBB, a completely unique experience... there isnt another band like this anywhere, and proclaims, if you hear one band in NYC make sure this is it... and prepare to be blown away!

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