This project revolves around the OLLA Rhapsody Violin Duo that plays classical, popular, and folk music. As the versatile duo consists of Italian and Ukrainian musicians, their music and style show the rich Italian and Ukrainian heritage. In addition, their repertoire reflects a passion for traditional American music, as OLLA has been based in NY since 2019. Strings Attached is intentionally tailored to a wide variety of audiences through the meticulous selecting, arranging, and planning of both artists.
The duo is dynamic and entertaining, with the two violins blending in a unique, heartfelt voice. Port Authority Bus Terminal, abbreviated as PABT, is expected to be filled by capturing harmonies and themes throughout September and October, thanks to this Chashama opportunity. ...
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This project revolves around the OLLA Rhapsody Violin Duo that plays classical, popular, and folk music. As the versatile duo consists of Italian and Ukrainian musicians, their music and style show the rich Italian and Ukrainian heritage. In addition, their repertoire reflects a passion for traditional American music, as OLLA has been based in NY since 2019. Strings Attached is intentionally tailored to a wide variety of audiences through the meticulous selecting, arranging, and planning of both artists.
The duo is dynamic and entertaining, with the two violins blending in a unique, heartfelt voice. Port Authority Bus Terminal, abbreviated as PABT, is expected to be filled by capturing harmonies and themes throughout September and October, thanks to this Chashama opportunity.
Since 1995, Chashama has partnered with property owners to transform unused real estate for 30,000 artists and over 150 small businesses, hosted 4,000 public art events, provided 1,500 classes in under-served communities, and reached audiences of nearly a million.
The OLLA Rhapsody Violin Duo, performing in PABT starting this week, stands for OLga&LAura, two violinists who share their passion for strings chamber music. Ms. Olga Tymchenko and Ms. Laura Giannini met in 2015 in the Manhattan Symphonie Orchestra and founded OLLA four years later. Their cultural and violinistic backgrounds have led them to an almost instantaneous connection. OLLA's repertoire ranges from standard classical to contemporary and cross-over, exploring pieces influenced by jazz. The duo is also committed to discovering and interpreting modern and less-known music, especially by composers from their countries of origin.
OLLA Rhapsody, in which Ms. Giannini and Ms. Tymchenko alternate on first and second violin, performed at various events and venues, including the Chashama Art Space in Chelsea, the Diamond Gala of A Free Bird Organization, and the Queens Central Library concert series "Enrich Your Life."
The duo can be heard in music recordings by Italian and American composers on all streaming platforms.
Laura Giannini, awarded in duo and piano trio competitions, has performed at renowned venues across Europe, Asia, and the US, including Carnegie Hall, Opera America, Shinmin Art Center, Die Glocke, Temple du Foyer de l’Áme, and Auditorium Parco Della Musica.
Olga Tymchenko, a resident of Nyack, NY, has performed with various chamber groups and orchestras locally, nationally, and internationally: in Rockland and Westchester counties, as well as in various concert halls of NYC, including Carnegie Hall, David Geffen Hall, Merkin Hall, and in Europe.
Every duo show will run twice weekly on selected days in a beautifully decorated Chashama space at Port Authority's South Wing on the second floor.
The commuters of one of the busiest bus terminals in the world will have a unique opportunity to experience high-quality live music and add catchy soundtracks to their day.
These shows are made possible by Chashama and their Residency Program for selected artists in cooperation with the PABT.
For more information on the OLLA Rhapsody performance calendar, please visit their website.
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