New York City » Directory » Venue » Chico's House of Jazz
Chico's House of Jazz
New York City 45 Newark 40
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Chico's House of Jazz is Rouse Jr’s way of paying homage to and carrying on the legacy of his father, the great Charles Rouse. Best known for his years of work as a tenor sax player alongside the widely admired Thelonious Monk; Charles Rouse has influenced and continues to influence millions of people around the world.
Chico wishes not only to honor his father with this club, but to also bring back the rich and unique world of Jazz that has seemingly taken a back seat to other music genres for the past few decades.
When it comes to the entertainment and music industry, Charles “Chico” Rouse Jr. has the most important skill one can possess: experience. He has twenty-five years of combined experience as a producer and promoter for artists such as the acclaimed blues guitarist and singer-songwriter, B.B. King, to the likes of rapper and actor, 50 Cent. Chico has also committed himself to bettering his community by producing local events held in Asbury Park, Long Branch, and Red Bank.