Oakland » Calendar » Lady Lamb W/ Sima Cunningham at Ivy Room

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Lady Lamb W/ Sima Cunningham at Ivy Room


Ivy Room
860 San Pablo Ave.
Albany, CA


Wed, January 22, 2025
8:00 pm

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ivy room presentsWEDNESDAY JANUARY 22ND—LADY LAMBLady Lamb w/ Sima Cunningham celebrates 10 years of Ripely Pine with an intimate performance of songs from the record and the recently-released commemorative boxset ‘In The Mammoth Nothing of The Night’SIMA CUNNINGHAM—Doors 7:00pm / Show 8:00pm$25 Advance / $30 Door—IVY ROOM860 San Pablo Ave, Albany • 21+(rsvp on facebook)LADY LAMB—From her early days, staying late after-hours at her video rental store job in Maine to record songs, to co-producing and arranging her four studio records, Aly Spaltro has remained focused on music that connects, empowers and builds community...

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