Philadelphia » Calendar » Glengarry Bhoys at Sellersville Theater 1894

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Glengarry Bhoys at Sellersville Theater 1894


Sellersville Theater 1894
24 W Temple Ave.
Sellersville, PA


Sat, March 15, 2025
8:00 pm

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Described as bold, unorthodox, vibrant, and evocative, the Glengarry Bhoys hybrid of Canadian Highland Scots and French Canadian musical idioms has evolved into a sound that is weighty, authoritative, and extremely entertaining. Their energy and good humor, as much a part of the show as their musicianship, crosses all cultures and ages. Many things have been written and reported about this world renown Canadian alt-celt group over that last decade, all depicting their musical and entertaining prowess with varied audiences the world over, but their ability to marshal large enthusiastic audiences show after show is legion and recognized...

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