Trenton » Calendar » 33 1/3 Live's Killer Queen Experience at The New Hope Winery
33 1/3 Live's Killer Queen Experience at The New Hope Winery
Courtesy of Etix | Posted on January 31, 2024
The New Hope Winery
6123 Lower York Road
New Hope, PA
Fri, November 8, 2024
8:00 pm
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When ordering, one BLUE dot represents ONE person/seat/ticket for tables and theatre seating.**Ticket fees help us cover ticket site fees, credit card fees, staffing and sound for the show.**33 1/3 LIVE is a multi-faceted musical collective that performs Classic Rock albums using a rotating cast of the best musicians. Their most recent endeavor is also their most ambitious:33 1/3 LIVE’s Killer Queen Experience re-creates Queen's studio recordings live on stage including all the vocal harmonies that made the records so amazing! Not satisfied with playing the "hits" however, the Killer Queen Experience also plays Queen's quintessential album, A Night At The Opera in its entirety, featuring tracks like "You're My Best Friend," "The Prophet's Song," and, of course, the operatic masterpiece, "Bohemian Rhapsody."