Trenton » Calendar » Doc Swan at Sellersville Theater 1894

Doc Swan at Sellersville Theater 1894


Sellersville Theater 1894
24 W Temple Ave.
Sellersville, PA


Sat, March 15, 2025
1:00 pm

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Once Doc Swan hits the stage, the fun starts and never slows down. With a focus on audience engagement, the laughs, applause, and overall amazement up the ante on entertainment value. Punctuated with puns, sight-gags and TONS of tongue-in-cheek humor, no two shows are exactly alike. Get ready for new twists on crowd favorites! Add a hilarious Houdini hand-cuff escape, danger defying predictions, a jaw-dropping bare foot walk on broken glass, and you’ll see why Doc Swan’s shows are the talk of the town.Artist WebsiteA processing fee of $3.50 per ticket will appear on your order at check out...

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