The people of Radio Malaspina (CHLY 101.7 FM) are committed to engaging our listeners with an inclusive, intelligent and innovative alternative media experience. We encourage personal responsibility in all levels of community. We are a campus- and community-supported forum and stage for the voices of Vancouver Island University, Nanaimo, the Islands and beyond.
The Monday night jazz and improvised music radio show Rhythmaning began at CFUV in Victoria, BC and has been on the air since 2001 in Nanaimo, BC, at CHLY 101.7 FM in Canada broadcasting to Vancouver Island and the west coast in BC, Canada and upper Washington USA. Host Kerilie McDowall is a former jazz guitarist and composer and spent some years performing and writing in Vancouver and Toronto.
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The people of Radio Malaspina (CHLY 101.7 FM) are committed to engaging our listeners with an inclusive, intelligent and innovative alternative media experience. We encourage personal responsibility in all levels of community. We are a campus- and community-supported forum and stage for the voices of Vancouver Island University, Nanaimo, the Islands and beyond.
The Monday night jazz and improvised music radio show Rhythmaning began at CFUV in Victoria, BC and has been on the air since 2001 in Nanaimo, BC, at CHLY 101.7 FM in Canada broadcasting to Vancouver Island and the west coast in BC, Canada and upper Washington USA. Host Kerilie McDowall is a former jazz guitarist and composer and spent some years performing and writing in Vancouver and Toronto.
The weekly jazz radio show Rhythmaning features eclectic, avant, creative, post bop, Latin, experimental and a mix of other sounds from new releases with fun ventures into the past. Transcendental jazz and beyond from Canadian and American jazz artists from across North America.
Visit to listen to over 63 shows and interviews on podcast. Listen live from 5-7 pm PST on Mondays. Play, download or subscribe to the regular Rhythmaning weekly podcasts and check out other CHLY programs. Rhythmaning is also available on iTunes.
The Saturday morning jazz show Vitamin J features host DJ Doc from 8am-10 am PST live every Saturday morning. Get your weekly dose of medicinal jazz with DJ Doc from standards and ballads to post and hard bop with a focus on Canadian and American artists. Host Tom Delamere ( DJ Doc) has been on the airwaves for over 8 years and also hosts the popular and humourous show The Impending Loom on Friday evenings with co-host Matt Carter. Tom is also a musician and plays saxophone in various groups in the Nanaimo area. Tom delivers a relaxing Saturday morning with great jazz tunes every week at
Join hosts Kerilie McDowall and Tom Delamere weekly on CHLY 101.7 FM for a wide variety of only the best jazz. From Miles Davis and John Coltrane to Ornette Coleman and a wide array of original new artists be sure to tune in to our live stream and podcasts for the best in jazz and beyond. Rhythmaning and Vitamin J bring you the best tracks week after week at Canada's innovative university and community radio station CHLY 101.7 FM. Join us on Facebook and Twitter. Check out the other great CHLY shows with our online program schedule. Streaming live at
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