Bristol » Directory » Venue » Swing Unlimited Jazz Club

Swing Unlimited Jazz ClubSwing Unlimited Jazz Club

115 Broadway Lane
Bournemouth, BH8 0AA
United Kingdom
+44 7730 517908
[email protected]


Bristol 60

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Swing Unlimited Jazz Club was founded in 2010 and has been presenting an eclectic mix of musical styles from a wide range of bands ever since. We’ve featured international jazz artists as well as the cream of UK players and are proud to have given a stage to the best of local talent too.

We’re now at our sixth venue in the history of the club, and it is probably our best. SUJC now takes place, usually fortnightly, at the Bournemouth Electric Club, just off Castle Lane West opposite the Broadway pub. The Electric Club was founded in 1935 as a sports and social club for Southern Electric employees, but is now open to all – you don’t need to be a member to come to SUJC!

Year established: 2010

Page views: 330



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