Helsinki » Calendar » jaZZanti-konsertti: Kadi Vija & Arttu Takalo – Levottomat at Hakas...

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jaZZanti-konsertti: Kadi Vija & Arttu Takalo – Levottomat at Hakasalmen Huvila


Hakasalmen Huvila
Mannerheimintie 13 B


Mon, January 29, 2024

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Kadi Vija: vocalsArttu Takalo: vibraphone
Arttu and Kadi happened to be at a gig together in 2019. The show at that time contained a lot of improvisation and it was that kind of music making that led the artists to work closely together. With and as a result of several duo performances, Takalo’s 10th solo album “Levoton klovni” was born, in the creation of which Vija played a significant role: joint improvisations led to compositions that then ended up on the album.
Kadi Vija is also on Takalo’s next “Dark Jazz” album, which will be released in 2024....

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