Philadelphia » Calendar » Celebrate Get JazzED Day Featuring John Swana! at Settlement Musi...
Celebrate Get JazzED Day Featuring John Swana! at Settlement Music School
Settlement Music School
416 Queen Street
Philadelphia, PA
(215) 320-2600
Sun, February 5, 2023
1:30 pm
Save the date
Tony Miceli
vibraphoneMatt Cappy
trumpetAndrew Neu
saxophoneMaria Marmarou
drumsRob Stoneback
tromboneJohn Swana
On February 5 at 1:30 p.m., Settlement Music School (416 Queen St. Philadelphia, PA 19147) is teaming up with Berks Arts, Boscov’s Berks Jazz Fest, and getJazzed for getJazzed Day at Settlement Music School! Students are invited to attend an afternoon of clinics and jam sessions with professional musicians and educators. The clinicians that will be running workshops that day are Matt Cappy (trumpet), Andrew Neu (saxophone), Rob Stoneback (trombone), Maria Marmarou (drums), Alan Ens (guitar, bass), Scott Edmunds (piano), and Tony Miceli (Vibraphone).
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Check-in Begins at 1:30pm...