World » Jazz Near You » Event Export Feed: JSON Format

Event Export Feed: JSON Format

Contact Michael to review the requirements prior to creating your feed.


Feed fields include:


  • title
  • start (includes date and time)
  • venue name and/or festival name (location is required to distinguish venues that share the same name)


  • musician names
  • price
  • currency code (e.g. USD, EUR, GBP)
  • native description
  • English description
  • ticket URL

Feed records are skipped if:

  • A direct match is not found on a venue or festival name. Jazz Near You matches on the name to determine location.
  • A required field is missing.

Sample JSON Feed Format

This represents a single record. Additional events would be included within the <events> tag.

"name":"Event Title 1",
"start":"Unix timestamp",
"description_native":"Description of Sample Event 1",
"description_english":"English description of Sample Event 1",


For our international partners, we require a one time import of venue and festival data and we do this prior to importing events. The fields and format for venues and festivals are as follows...

Feed fields include:

Required All (including U.S.)

  • type (venue or festival)
  • name
  • address (street address only)
  • city
  • country

Required U.S. only

  • zip code
  • state


  • longitude (DDD.dddd)
  • latitude (DDD.dddd)
  • native description
  • English description
  • links (see options below)

Sample JSON Feed Format

This represents a single record. Additional entities would be included within the <entities> tag.

"phone":"phone number",
"email":"email address",
"zip":"Zip code",
"address":"Street address",
"description_native":"Description of Sample Event 1",
"description_english":"English description of Sample Event 1",
"website_url":"Website URL",
"facebook_url":"Facebook URL",
"twitter_url":"Twitter URL",



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